a Christ-centered, family-oriented, faith community

A community of faith, fellowship and service in Christ
years serving Oahu

At Aiea UMC, we identify ourselves as the Rainbow Church. A rainbow frequently arcs across the Aiea sky, reminding us of God's everlasting covenant. Our church's rainbow of racial, ethnic, and cultural heritages also bears witness to God's faithfulness to all.
Our church is a place where all of God's children are welcome and find ohana (family) and aloha (love). In our diversity, we find unity as sisters and brothers in Christ, and we invite you to share the journey with us.
Conveniently located along Laulima Street behind Wendy's, church visitors will find an abundance of free parking, an open sanctuary, and a newly renovated fellowship and lani space for after worship.
Our worship services are a mix of contemporary and traditional. We also incorporate touches of our Hawaiian surroundings such as tropical flowers and even hula. The first Sunday of every month we come to the table for Holy Communion.
Aiea UMC reflects the spectrum of the ethnic and cultural heritage of Hawaii - a beautiful blending of Hawaiian, Japanese, Filipino, Samoan, Pacific Islander, Asian and African backgrounds. We welcome all!
We are a diverse congregation: our fellowship includes both local Hawaii residents, military families, and of course, visitors to our island. We also have a Samoan language ministry.
Through our mission programs and partnerships, we work to balance local and global projects and to serve people of all ages - from keiki to kupuna, the houseless, and those adjusting to life after prison.
In recent years, we have supported various global outreach projects and partnered with other United Methodist Churches within Japan, Nepal, Vietnam, Uganda, Brazil, and Congo.

Whether you’re just visiting our island or looking for a new church to call home, we’d love to meet you. Include your information on this form and we’ll be in touch.
Or, upon visiting us, we invite you to stop by our Welcome Table, located by the main sanctuary entrance. If you choose to provide us with your contact information, we can be in touch regarding opportunities for you to get connected at AUMC.